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2023 Annapolis Washington DC

                                 The USS Rankin Association Reunion

                                               15-18 October 2023  

                              Reunite   Remember   Reconnect   Revisit

A group of men standing together

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Mike Fulton, Jim Cusick, Geof Caldwell, Bill Lindsey, Mark Thomas, John Burke, Bill Devroe

     The city of Alexandria, Virginia played host to The USS Rankin (AKA/LKA 103) reunion, Sunday, 15 October to Wednesday,19 October 2023. Usually, the Amphibious Ships Reunion company organizes the ship’s reunion, but in 2023 the word was they initially were not going to organize one, so we decided to do it ourselves. The following shipmates made the reunion a terrific Bravo Zulu get together. Old friends were reunited, and new friends made. Attending were:

Jim & Kathy Cusick 66-67

Bill& Bette Devroe 63-65

Mike Fulton 66-68

Bill & Margery Lindsey 65-67

Alice & Alicia Spicer 60-63

Mark & Linda Thomas 67-70

John Burke 66-70

Geof & Brooke Caldwell 65-67

       Most of the shipmates stayed at the Hilton Alexandria Old Town, which was the site of the Sunday’s welcoming dinner. It was time to meet and greet and the warmth soon filled the room.

     Monday, we got an early start and went south to Fort Belvoir to visit the new US Army Museum. We had a great guide that led us through one terrific exhibit after another, starting with the Revolutionary War, then the Civil War, on to Afghanistan, and finally today’s continuing conflicts in the Near East. The biggest take away for me was the World War II exhibit of a full-scale AKA and an original landing craft with the men coming down the rope ladders in the boat. It is dramatically highlighted. It gave me goosebumps.

     Afterwards we bused to Mount Vernon, home of George Washington for a lovely lunch and tour of the mansion and the museum. It was the perfect respite from what we experienced at Fort Belvoir.

     Dinner was on your own and in Old Town Alexandria, and there was something for everyone. I received some good reports on some restaurants we have never tried.

     Tuesday was on your own with all of Washington at your feet. Many shipmates opted to take the Metro into the city and hopped on Hop On & Hop Off shuttle buses that take you to all the Washington sites. Too many to mention, but I caught up with Bill and Margery Lindsey at the Holocaust Museum. With all the years that I have lived in the area, I had never gone. I was not sure I could handle it. I am glad I went. One of the many take-a-ways was that there are certain populations here in the US that are treating other populations here as the Nazis treated the Jewish people prior to World War II. Very scary!

     Brooke and I hosted cocktails at our home Tuesday afternoon…and then off to Joe Theismann’s Restaurant for a great farewell.   dinner. It was a lovely venue. As one of the wives said, “In most cases we came as strangers, but in this short time we become friends…what is it about these Rankin men?”

                                                  -  Geoff Caldwell


Alice Spicer, Margaret Lindsey, Kathy Cusick, Linda Thomas, Bette Devroe, Brooke Caldwell


                                            Inside the Army Museum


                                           Another exhibit at the Army Museum


                        Vietnam Memorial

A group of people standing in front of a wall with Vietnam Veterans Memorial in the background

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                       Vietnam Wall

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USS Rankin Association
USS Rankin Association

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